
Theatros comprises three fundamental content areas that are interconnected both in content and functionality: pre-production, production, and post-production. With modules that cultural organizations can use individually or as a whole, Theatros offers a comprehensive tool that tracks an artistic project from its long-term planning through its scheduling to its final performance. Simultaneously, Theatros archives and monitors all events related to the cultural organization's program, thus building an extensive archive of activities. Theatros allows data export for various purposes, such as direct export to the organization's website or event calendar.


A modern web application that is used as a cloud service. It works on all modern desktop and mobile browsers.

  • Planning

    Plan your activities based on various criteria - dates, venues, participants. Print schedules - weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Allow participants online access to the confirmed plan. Prevent event overlaps. Equip cultural events with photos, media reports on the event, attendance data, and more.

  • Production

    Gain an overview of (simultaneous) casts, planned financials, and staffing frameworks for each production. No more transcription. Everything about the production in one place. Track the production from the initial idea to the final performance.

  • Archive

    The purpose of the archive module is to list and store digital materials. Archival materials are thus quickly and easily accessible to everyone in the institution. Permanently preserve your events for future generations!

  • Attendance

    Using Theatros to record work attendance eliminates the need for "clocking in" and "signing in at the gatekeeper." At the end of the month, Theatros tells you how many work hours each employee has completed. The services of all those working on events and in offices are recorded clearly and user-friendly.

  • Statistics

    Theatros records the number of performances and audiences, calculates hall occupancy, records the number of rehearsals and performances for actors, and segments the audience. Accurate information at your fingertips - Who? What? When? How much? A data set for all kinds of statistical reports.

  • Resources

    Manage the inventory of technical resources, props, costumes, and other resources you use. The module maintains records of resources, provides a resource occupancy calendar, helps with planning, and supports borrowing. It tracks technical, service, and safety inspections and alerts you to periodic maintenance. By linking resources to production and planning, you get an overview of usage and bottlenecks.


In today's world, data exchange between two or more systems to provide quick and useful information is increasingly important. Timely and accurate information is becoming crucial for organizations. Therefore, Theatros offers software interfaces (web services) that you can easily use to connect with other information systems or related institutions. This eliminates double entry, reduces the possibility of errors, and ensures information is up-to-date.

Try Theatros

5 reasons to use Theatros:

  • It's easy to go digital; digital is (and will continue to be) easy and "in".
  • Everything about your institution in one place: past, present, future.
  • No more transcription, no more "can you please send it to me?". The answer is: "Check it in Theatros".
  • What you plan in Theatros can be displayed on the event calendar on your website.
  • With everything you store in your institution's archive, you can showcase it on our website.

There are even more reasons. But if these five don't convince you, then might not be right for you at this moment. But soon it might be. We're here. Write to us/call us.